Labels:daily | earth | encyclical | fence | grass | reckoner | sea | sky OCR: seize property cisrutanat + ne- 0/8.3 justitiab men had diven could lavfully the COHIOH good What pious self. -preservation. The prelates resumed by their heirs in the example selfishness ina national were rebubed for havind 3et bad abbot present took careful note emergency It is lot surprising vigilance the ecc. lesiastical of these hostile positions iencetorward they would be guicl + authorities had been aroused and similar errOr3 The point of Bankin's track down and erpose these and oed by his lay audience For arduent WE3 equally quic lly are when v/ax brea must having heard oie lord des l of their temporal po33e3sion3 Lom the endowed clenty E positic COHIOH to the whole kingdom. property that belongs tc and taves :. out they would consent Neverthe the spiritual nandes them reCeiVe poun ...